Here we go again – Day 55

I've got a squirrel sitting on my head!!! Why? Well, we'll tell you..................................

It's been another lovely day so this afternoon Ann had a plan. The plan was to walk through Braidburn Valley Park and up the secret path to Mortonhall, where we were going to walk around Mortonhall Cemetery. For those of you who aren't regular visitors to our BLIP; Ann's latest project is visiting all of Edinburgh's cemeteries.

Best laid plans and all that. When we got to Mortonhall Cemetery there was a sign on the gate that said, 'NO DOGS'. So that was the end of that idea. Not to be deterred, Ann said, 'Trixie, Liberton Cemetery is just down the road so let's go there instead.' So that is what we did.

On the way to Liberton Cemetery we passed through St Katherine's Park and saw this wooden statue of a squirrel so I was made to have a photo shoot with him. I'm sitting nicely because I knew he wasn't real. Chasing real live squirrels is one of my most favourite activities.

Liberton Cemetery is the best cared for cemetery that we have visited so far. (See photo in extras). However, Ann is getting a bit fed up with our 'cemeteries' project. And let's face it, it's a bit depressing for my human wandering around reading gravestones especially as being in lock down has already made her really depressed! I think our 'cemeteries project' might have to become one of these projects that we just dip into now and again when we've got nothing better to do.

Anyway we had a lovely long walk this afternoon (7.66 miles if anyone is interested) and once we'd mooched around Liberton Cemetery we walked home via the Hermitage of Braid. Yay! That's one of my favourite places so I was off my lead for ages. And do you know what?....................... It was really, really busy and I only 'jumped up' at one lady, once. Maybe I'm growing up after all?! And that was because she made a fuss of me and I could smell treats in her pockets.

Mmmmmm............... Ann says it's really difficult training me not to 'jump up' at random people when they insist on making a fuss of me and feeding me treats. It's like they're reinforcing my bad behaviour. Oh well, ho hum, I suppose things could be worse.

Home now and I asked for 'early dinner' which I've gobbled up. I've also just gobbled up a massive carrot and now I'm snoozing in my bed.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers xxx

Dalry Cemetery
Grange Cemetery
Morningside Cemetery

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