Here we go again – Day 56

Look at the state of my paws. This afternoon I went up West Craiglockhart Hill for my walk and then down to Craiglockhart Pond. I was very, very thirsty and I chose the muddiest part of the pond to have a drink. However, Ann never worries about me getting muddy paws these days because I am such a good girl when I get them washed with my 'paw washer'. It really is a very good invention.  Ann says, 'Trixie, come and get your paws washed', and I immediately go to her and stand ever so nicely while she washes each of my paws. She doesn't even need to bribe me with treats any more. In fact I probably stand better than the dogs in the paw wash ad. #howgoodamI

And hasn't it been a beautiful day in Edinburgh today? I went out for an hour and a half first thing this morning and when we got home Ann made us both breakfast and then she promptly went out onto the balcony to eat hers. She stayed there for three hours until it was time to come in for lunch and watch 'Classic EastEnders'?!! Life is so much better when the sun shines.

And that's been our day, but to be honest that's probably how we would have spent it even if we weren't in lock down, so all is good.

Meeting my bestest friend in the world tomorrow....................... 'Bertie the Beardie', for a big long walk. Yay!

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