Thick Stuff

Headed to the allotment armed with hammer, paint brush and ladder, ready to repair the roof felt on the hut. Forgot the clout nails, headed home to get them. A little later and back at the hut I measured, marked and cut the felt then opened the tin of felt adhesive. Should have done that first as it was so solid the brush made no impression on it. Unfazed (well, a bit fazed) I figured I could maybe spread it on with a knife. Mmm, I’d still have been spreading on Tuesday. Gave me a nice abstract though.
I gave up, packed everything up and headed off, without the ladder. Returned to the hut. Oh how I laughed and joked with our allotment neighbour. Half an hour later and, you’ve guessed it, I was back again. I’d dropped my meter in the hut.

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