
By kellyhymas

charlies wings

I have not blogged for a while but a little update on things here at home. Charlie was still timid so we moved his cage out of the corner and near the area that we walk past so he has to get use to people walking close to his cage. A few days later we started letting him have more freedom opening the cage he ventured out once and flew into everything he didnt seem happy.

We spoke to someone who knows about birds and he came straight away advised us that at the moment charlie is in control not us. wings to be clipped. I didnt like this idea at all, he is a bird he is meant to fly??? Anyway Andrew snipped his wing he looks odd now with one wing showing and one cut right down ha. he nipped a little at Michael as he held him. Soon as we put him back in his cage he was allowing us to stand really close to him. That night he seems more laid back. we could get up close to him and he didnt flap and try to get away. We have since been opening the top of his cage and letting him come out, he likes to come out to the top and sit on there sometimes he goes for a little fly, i say little as he can only glide now and most the time it is downwards lol. But we have progress already can see a real difference in his behavior by allowing us closer to him, still using apple as treats on skewer but tomorrow we are going to start the step up training....

Charlie flew himself into the kitchen where we used the wooden spoon handle as a perch for him and this is how close we can get to him now using this method. In the picture andrew was so happy that if you look closely charlie is standing on his hand rather than the wooden spoon. All since clipping his wing.

Update on lady my collie, back to vets again this week another £50 for tablets she does seem much better but she has days where she goes back over she is not eating her food as much as she did and she is known to never leave her food. only time will tell and see if the tablets work..

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