Every Picture Tells .....


Misty Murky Monday


I had to get out early for my 5 km run this morning as I am on virtual office cover this week and needed to be back and logged on the computer by 8:30 am.

After such a lovely day yesterday, I had underestimated how cold it was in the freezing fog this morning and my body and mind really didn't want to run. At times I felt light-headed and slowed right down to walking pace. I completed the run in probably the slowest time ever (5.63 km in 35:51).

A long day on the computer with a lot of phone calls. Outside the murk never really lifted at all.

Now listening to Matt Hancock and JVT. Good news on the vaccination front but some concerns about the Brazilian mutant strain in a handful of people.

12,171 steps so far.

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