Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Double Drumming

A grey misty morning which miraculously had cleared by lunchtime when I had some free time

Jorgie and I did the 5 mile loop again as I wanted to try for some woodpecker shots.
We heard them from afar, drilling at the top of the dead trees. Again I counted three birds.
Jorgie and I gingerly made our way over the broken down reeds towards the trees. I expected at any moment, to disappear up to my knees in stinking mud but, the depth of the reeds was such that, we didn't get wet feet.
Getting closer to them I could see that all three birds were females (no red patch on the back of their necks) .
Each branch had a different tone and the birds frequently moved around the trees, drumming out a varied melody. This tree seem to be favourite so we waited for an opportunity to get all of them at once. 
None of the birds tolerated the others' presence for long and this moment was just that before one chased the other to another tree

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