
Fortunately John can see these from the porch because he isn't going to get much farther for awhile. I think I will be planting the tomatoes which he has seeded in the garage and kept on a heating pad under lights for the last few weeks. I don't think he will be making it up 32 of these steps anytime soon. Especially since there is no handrail! Thank goodness we had one of those put in by the front steps because he will need it to get down to the driveway and into the car.

I take him to the doctor tomorrow for the ultimate word on what is to be done. This will no doubt take place while I wait in the car for him. Too bad because he often has his own 'interpretation' of what he is told to do. It's always better to have two people listening to a doctor's verdict, but that is not to be in these Covid times.

Speaking of which, I got my second vaccination today...huge relief...and John gets his first on Wednesday in the same place as I will be taking him tomorrow. No chance of talking anybody into doing both things at once....

Aside from getting vaccinated at the county fairgrounds, the major thing accomplished today was getting John in and out of the shower with no major injuries....

I am exhausted. Apologies for the randomness of my comments. I should have plenty of time while sitting in the parking lot tomorrow!  Thanks to all you lovely people for your advice and support. Never a dull moment around here....

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