Vaccine News

I'm posting this early today as I have to take John to the doctor this afternoon and am anticipating that it will be a long stint in the parking lot for me. No doubt there will be more x-rays.  My friend Kathy is going to meet me there to walk around the parking lot ...or more likely find a place to sit as I am feeling even more adrift than usual today. 

Sutter Health solved the problem of treks across town on consecutive days for medical appointments by cancelling John's appointment for his first Covid vaccination on Wednesday because they have no vaccine. He will be put on a 'waiting list' whatever that means. He has already been waiting since January when he was able to get this appointment by sheer luck and persistence.  Needless to say we are speechless....

Whether because of that disheartening news or more likely because of my second vaccination yesterday, I feel weary, achy and feverish...I'm sure the side effects will abate in a day or two but I have to admit that I am beginning to feel like I have pulled myself by my bootstraps so many times now that I must have yanked them right off

We make quite a pair today as we drag ourselves through the absolute necessities, pausing for a lie down in between. John is better at falling asleep than I am. I have to admit that I am sick of staying at home, wearing a mask, etc. etc. and while we have both managed to stay healthy, the restrictions  don't seem to be working very well in terms of flattening the curve or lowering the case numbers or whatever metric our fearless leaders are using now.

What does seem to be working is vaccinations. They would probably work even better if they had enough vaccine....Maybe we are just achieving herd immunity.

I caught one of our resident pair of grey squirrels in the plum tree today. They do have the most extravagant tails. Perhaps their reappearance on the squirrel highway is a good omen. The fried leaves are still on the branches despite a windstorm that blew over our umbrella in its heavy stand but new leaves are beginning to appear on some parts of some trees.

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