River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Garden Salad ...

... and seed sowing.
Another beautiful sunny day temperature still a chilly 7°C.
Started off some salad seeds: white pak choi, mizuna and spicy mesclun mix. If they grow I’ll be surprised as I’ve had the seeds a while ...
Picked some salad leaves for lunch, first this year! Cleavers, sorrel - common and Red-veined, lambs lettuce seedlings, Good King Henry, baby leaves of red cabbage and kale, couple of mustard leaves - I could get used to this!!
For the past few days I’ve been feeling as if I have hay fever but I don’t think there’s tree pollen around yet ...
My Mum’s birthday, https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2681239382605696437
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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