TL:DR More old trainline

As I drive up the A683 from Lancaster to Kirkby Lonsdale, I like to keep an eye on the old railway line. You can't really see it from the road until you've been through Caton, and then you can follow it as far as the house that has the old signal box in its garden (swoon!).

You lose sight of the line as you go through Claughton, but then you can see it - or hints of it - in the fields off to your left until, just before Hornby, it veers off sharply west towards Wray. The line then goes all the way to Wennington (although a quick Google for 'Wray Station' reveals that there was a station there, if only for six months!).

Today I dropped Dan off in Bentham to kick a football around with one of his friends and on the way back I passed through Wennington, so I followed the road a little way and found a bridge over the old line. From this side you can clearly see the old railway route but from the other it's all overgrown.

Intriguingly, there was something underneath all the trees and branches that looked like an old carriage but it was too boggy underfoot to investigate. Another time!

Reading: this and that

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