trying for pattern and repetition - quickly

Hopped up after work and crossed the street to see if I could find any quick patterns and/or repetition. Maybe tomorrow I'll go out for a drive at lunch and see something interesting. The extra is more appropriate? 

Had a great zoom lunch with the friend whose wedding I photographed. She, like me, has hit the point where we're missing people. She doesn't even miss people she knows, she just misses people being around. 

My state and county were on 60 MInutes because we are doing so badly at distributing the vaccine. 

I still have read zero articles about Texas considering using its $10.6 billion emergency fund to help people hurt by Covid or the winter storm. However, the governor of Texas happily announced that all Covid restrictions, including wearing face masks, have been completely removed. 

Tomorrow the House will not be in session because we have a terrorist group that is considering attacking the Capitol again. 

Read an interesting article on why British cop shows are more interesting than American ones. Looking forward to watching Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren. Basically American shows are all about guns and British shows get into feelings and actual detective work. Oh, and apparently there are cameras everywhere in Britain? I enjoyed Happy Valley, but maybe I mostly loved the name and the very first episode. 

We've finished all of our episodes of The Good Doctor. You might like it. 

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