
By Chrelizg21


Another cold, grey, damp day. Went for a run this morning but didn't fancy standing around trying to find a suitable subject in the garden this afternoon so sacrificed one of the hellebores (OK, it was at the back of the border, behind everything) to take indoors.

Played with the macro & the lighting - & was intending to play with some patterned backgrounds but decided I preferred it plain. Used a softbox on the left & a small LED upwards from behind as that showed up the veins & the diffuse green pigment in the white sepals better. The angle helped to display the central section - the overall shape of the flower looks a bit odd but the sepals aren't all the same length for some reason. I'd never thought about the ring of green structures between the sepals & base of the stamens before - they're apparently nectaries, so I've learned something today!

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