Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

A good hanging prevents a bad marriage . . .

So spoke the Fool in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Western Washington University's amazing theater department never fails to deliver, and tonight's performance was no exception.

When we arrived at the box office, I was crushed to be informed the show had sold out days ago! Rich was out parking the car. After several moments of teeth gnashing, moaning, and theatrics, I resigned myself to heading home, and began shuffling out of the theater feeling completely dejected when in walked a couple holding up a pair of tickets while saying, "We've got two spare tickets for Twelfth Night!". I quickly waved my arms and offered to buy the tickets from them at which point they handed me the tickets, said to consider it a gift, and would accept no money.

This was my first time in the area behind the PAC's main stage, a smaller, and far more intimate space, perfect for Shakespeare. Twelfth Night is a fast-paced comedy, full of clever phrases, mistaken identity, unrequited love, plus a few well choreographed sword fights. Tonight's WWU students were outstanding, delivering a near-flawless performance. There are several more performances remaining, including a matinee tomorrow (Sunday) as well as next weekend. Go see it, if you can. You won't regret it. (tip: buy tickets ahead of time)

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