
By Mindseye

A bit of a stonewaller

We slept reasonably well....I thought I was dreaming..someone was crunching something close to my ear, turned out to be hub was feeling peckish, he was eating a chocolate digestive biscuit sat on the edge of the bed :-) thats what woke me, so I toddled off to turn off his oxygen......yes I know, bizzare lol!

The binmen came around 8.30 woke us good and proper, hub put tv on to see what was happening in the cricket. I jumped in the shower and that saw us downstairs by 9.30am, hub put the cricket on whilst we had his breakfast.

I popped outside to clear the front garden of the birthday banners and balloons, then sliced up the Colin the Caterpillar cake, just enough to go around for immediate neighbours ;-) We had our slice last night. All the neighbours were grateful, asked how hub was doing and if he had enjoyed his birthday, cake deliveries took a bit longer than I thought, with all the doorstep chats ;-) Hub was waiting patiently for his coffee run by the time I got back.

A lovely Costa made by Chloe....which went down really well.....I left hub face timing with daughter whilst I went to get my first quota of steps in. I came back via Boots, collected the outstanding item from hubs prescription, well 24 of the 28 tablets, how pathetic is that!
I took todays blip as I passed along the outside wall of the churchyard.....glad to notice this lovely red camelia in flower, brightened up whats been a old & pretty gloomy grey day!

Back home for lunch....hub didnt feel like anything to eat, so I made myself a turkey sandwich and a cup of tea, whilst making my shopping list for the afternoons visit to Lidl.
It wasnt too busy, everyone was being sensible, got everything I needed, in and our within 45 minutes. I loaded the car and then left it in the carpark, whilst I went for another quick march around.

Back home, everything put away, made hub something to eat, washed out the wheelie bin that had been emptied as the cleaner man hadnt been. Some more walking inside and out, just enough to click over the 10k, proof in extras;-)

Ive had some more super donations today and have tipped over the £1,000 mark now :-D You can help if you would like, by clicking the link below :-)


We've had griddled pork chops and oven roasted tomatoes for dinner, followed by spotted dick & custard ;-)

Im feeling quite tired this evening, maybe all this walking is taking its toll ;-)) Just watching Kirsty & Phils List or Love it....then it will be the other episode of Marcella from earlier this week.......before bedtime again!

Hub was only saying yesterday how the days are passing all too quickly :-/

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