Home home & heaven

Slept pretty well….. even though not in my own bed. Woke at 7, with a raging thirst & a banging head! Courtesy of too many MSGs from a Chinese and a couple of glasses of fizz me thinks lol!

Im down south for a few days staying with hubs sis and BiL…… today was a girls shopping trip in Southampton. We didn’t spend much at all. I bought a new eye concealer, an eye brow pencil and some dark indigo jeggings. Sis didnt fair so well…. no leggins in her size, she did buy our duck wraps for lunch…… I bought our Costas ;-)

Todays blip was taken in the Shopping Arcade…. it caught my eye straightaway, as a tribute to hub, as it combines his first home, Southampton, his second home Manchester and his most favourite thing to eat…. ice cream, especially Fredericks who were one if his biggest clients when he was a commercial underwriter earlier in his career with Norwich Union.

I was very dismayed to learn that Coca Cola are not withdrawing their products from Russia, but inconsolable to learn they also own Costa :-0 !!!! Not sure Im going to be able to abstain :-/

We’ve had G&T, pre M&S Lasagna, garlic bread with salad for dinner, and later it will be a bit of blue cheese & biscuits ;-)

Watched tv tonight….. including Googlebox and Deadenders….. sorry I mean Eastenders lol ;-)

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