The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Along the trail

A virtual feast of natures riches... at least for the bugs and birds. 
A walk with Jo and Honey along the furthest part from town. It's a lot quieter, at least until the bike riders get out that far. Star and Honey behaved quite well, with the 'High level' treats (sprats), given to me by 'Uncle Dave', certainly  help. Star was coming back even when I didn't call her. 
Star is food orientated  and surprisingly no further Strikes yet.
Tomorrow we start the counting game. Watch this space.

After the eight hours of horrendous  questioning yesterday  and the repeated questioning  again at Fist minister's  questions today. Not only does Nicola Sturgeon deserve respect, she deserves the accolades she is getting. An eight hour grilling of Borris would be very revealing in exactly  the opposite  way, I think.

Hey ho, apparently  I am a political  animal. Watch out I may bite. The worm has turned.


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