Growing Beauty

Although I have managed to plant a goodly number of "things" in the garden, there are not many flowers yet.  This anemone looked so exotic in the sunshine this afternoon that I decided it needed a blip.  I am hoping to have many more blooms to blip for the first time as the garden develops in its first summer.

It has been a lovely day so we spent time this afternoon investigating pigeon poo on the summer house roof and finding ways to deal with that, and then we tested out the newly serviced lawn mower. That all seemed satisfactory.  I then found some lawn feed left over from last year so we applied some of that to use it up and I sprinkled some seed on some of the thin patches of lawn.  Let's hope it all works!

Time to cook a late afternoon lunch now.  If you have to do something to do with schools tomorrow, I hope you have a good day.

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