Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Dry Falls

My cousin Dee and I had planned this week to be in the mountains at her nephew's house but with Jerry's knee surgery we did not know for sure if we would be able to do the trip.  With Jerry healing well and walking good as well as being able to drive, he said to go ahead and go.  Since I would not be home to be the cook and driver, he would have to do it and it would keep him from being bored!   So I said I love you, man and see you later this week!   Definitely ready for a girl trip!

We drove along a North Carolina scenic highway to the mountains instead of coming up the interstate in order to see some waterfalls I had researched.     We went by Bridal Veil Falls which was right on the side of the road.   Photos in the extras of the falls....and the ice that was there.

The main photo is Dry Falls..a short walk along a boardwalk and steps to go behind the falls!      What an awe inspiring place!   This is the Cullasaja River.    I have no clue why it is called Dry Falls!   It was roaring with water!

We also stopped by Bust Your Butt falls which is not that high and is a popular place in the summer for wading and playing in the water.  A photo in the extras.  

There was another waterfall..Cullasaja Falls but we missed the pull off and decided we may stop there on the way home. 

We have some plans for tomorrow to do visit a portion of the Great Smoky Mountains National park which is about an hour away from where we are staying. 

The weather is perfect for hiking...sunshine and cool!!  

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