Wonder Woman

A crazy crazy day...about lunch time I went out to find some of our friends on the streets and see if they'd like chicken casserole - I found them reeling as one of the guys had just been found dead. At that point it was rumour, but sadly it's looking very very likely to be him. The police are in the process of confirming it. He was such a major part of life here...he will leave a huge gap... Extra sad as his family had said they would welcome him home, and he wanted to go. He was a mix of everything, hilarious, inappropriate, kind, aggressive, drunk, rarely sober, thoughtful...complex. We'll miss him...lots of watery eyes as the rumours began to look like reality. 
Late afternoon a friend called, very upset, no money and no food and could she have a bit of cash for some shopping. I was glad to be able to give her casserole and strawberries too. Life is hard sometimes isn't it? And wonderful at other times, and sometimes those times are all mixed up in the same day, hour, minute, moment. 

Asha and I took a bit of time on International Women's Day to go to this wonderful wall and take some pics. See extra for the photobombers that turned up at the end of our time! The name Asha means 'hope', and she really does give me hope for the future. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Knowing Mick.
2) The wonderful women in my life - grateful for their influence on me. 
3) Danny being kind and sending me out to get a treat. 

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