Fun days

Pushed for a blip today, I delved into the archive.

This was taken in 1966, my first staff nurse post after qualifying, working on a children’s surgical and orthopaedic ward. These two poppets were about 2 years old. Christopher on the left had been with us for ages, having sustained scalds to his abdomen and legs. You can see the bandages hanging down his left leg. Lorraine, the toddler in the trolly had a hernia repair and was only with us for a week or so. These two were the best of pals and happy little buddies. 

The ward had an enclosed balcony, alternate windows opened to allow ventilation and had bars fitted for safety. That didn’t stop small things being pushed out for fun . It wasn’t a main thoroughfare through the hospital grounds, so the porters or other staff would hand any finds and they would be return to us. It was a great place to play. 

The mark on my apron is a stain on the photo, not the apron itself. 

I met up with Christopher and his mum a year or so later. He was very sheepish and said ‘sorry’!! He had been back on the ward and was upset that I wasn’t there to look after him. These were the early days of the contraceptive pill and he had found his mum’s supply. Thinking that they were sweeties he had opened the packaging. They were all over the floor and it was questionable if he had swallowed any. A couple of nights in hospital for observation were a little traumatic.

I told him that I was sorry not to be there for him and he promised not to be naughty again. A big hug and a slobbery kiss (from him) and we were friends again. He will now be about 55yrs old, I’m sure he wouldn’t be flattered to see himself:0)

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