pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

you've been takin up my time, steppin out of line

What a boring day! It has involved getting annoyed at people gossiping (granted, I'm included), stressing about sorting out accommodation in Japan, coughing and sneezing, food shopping, stressing about fitting everything in to the school week, coughing and sneezing, having a bath (that wasn't bad), and getting annoyed at how boring my weekend has been.

OK....breathe in.....and now think of all the nice things that are going on: I'm going to go to Japan in a few weeks! If I'm ill now, I'll probably not be ill during the holidays or again for a few weeks! I had a bath and it was nice! I spoke to Rhiannon about booking a trip to Madagascar this Summer - yay! I now have lots of food in so I can make nice things to eat!

Right, I'm off to eat something nice....

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