Introducing Tess

Tessie has been inhabiting my fernery since a very tiny baby water dragon.  She ha a favourite morning sunbaking spot on the shadecloth canopy and lays in the fold (her hammock) to cool down a bit.  Whenever I come near she (well in all honesty she could be a 'he') is ready to scuttle but I notice she is more trusting lately.  When I first saw her on the fernery floor she was not long out of the egg - now her body is about a hand span long + the long tail.   I could feed her grapes but better if I don't tame her too much.  They grow quite big and can become quite belligerent . They eat small wildlife as well as flowers and fruit (omnivorous).  She is the one who is claiming ownership of the bird bath. - I'm sure she thinks I put it there just for her.  Separated from the fernery by a fence is a drain where her big grand-daddy lives.   The males get a red belly when mature.   

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