
We got up later than we planned today. We had been intending to drive to Melrose and have a walk up th eEildon hills (or Trimontium if you prefer.) Maddy didn't really fancy that though. Hr Granny is coming down tomorrow morning so Mads is going to hang out with Granny and Great Granny while Roz and I do the hill walk. It's probably better doing the walk as not much will be open tomorrow really.

Today we ended up having a walk in Kelso and grabbing some food. After that we had a drive down to Englandshire and popped to a beach near Berwick for a stroll then into Berwick itself where we managed to grab a violin book Maddy was needing and a hot water bottle for her since it's a bit chilly at night.

I ven got some new boots, I'm aiming to do a long walk up Glen Lyon in the not too distant future and tomorrow should be a good opportunity to break them in. I might end up in pain but since the heel lining was knacked on my old ones it probably won't be worse than the pain those would have caused me.

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