
By Upoffmebum

Dill seed

Love putting fresh cut dill on top of fresh sour cream (oxymoron?) on top of smoked salmon pieces on top of a home-made sourdough base pizza cooked in the mighty Weber with tomatoes, mozzarella, red onion, anchovies, chillies, olives and (fresh) capsicum slices. Who wouldn't?
Soon got tired of heading down to the supermarket for fresh supplies every time pizza was on the menu, so tried growing my own in the veggie patch for the very first tim .
Mixed would be an accurate description of the results. The plants grew extremely well, extremely quickly, and in a matter of weeks I had a veritable forest of thriving, 1-metre high dill stems. I concluded - reasonably, I think - that this meant that the soil was basically ok, they were getting enough water (but not too much), and they liked the amount of sun/shade they were getting.
Only fly in the ointment was that while the stems were very impressive indeed, the dill leaf growth was not. Over the entire growing season, the full dill leaf harvest amounted to but a small handful, with only a few scraps of dill available on any particular day. Like, for example, pizza-on-the-menu day.
The only useful thing remaining apart from the leafless stems were the dried seed 'flowers' at the tips. I mean useful in the sense of providing me with a Blipfoto for the day, as opposed to providing me with the wherewithal to have another go at growing dill plants.
At this stage, not really keen to try that again, especially now that I've  discovered a cunning workaround: if you buy fresh dill stems (with leaves) in one of those clear plastic cases, there's enough there for two or even three pizza dinners for four. So if you plan to have a pizza dinner, you simply plan at the same time to have another pizza meal or two over the next week or so, all for only one trip to the supermarket.
It not only saves time, effort and travel, it also amortises the food miles over 2 or 3 meals instead of one. And reduces to zero veggie gardener's angst. Bargain.

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