
By ayearinthelife


A long discussion on FB the other day as to whether you should salute a lone magpie or not (you should!) has led to me seeing a lot more of them around.
Whether there are actually more of them about, or if I’m just more aware of them, is open to discussion, but I was quick to throw up a sharp salute when I saw a magpie land in next door’s garden this afternoon. But it was followed almost immediately by another one. And by the time I’d brought the camera to bear (there have been no other blip opportunities today!) another two birds had landed, bringing the total to four. The rhyme says “four for a boy” but what that means as a portent of the future, I have no idea!
And that, I’m afraid, has been the high point of yet another day spent indoors due to constant rain and high winds. I had all sorts of plans to do much needed jobs around the house, but frankly couldn’t be bothered to do any of them. Thoughts of doing a workout with the weights, or going for a run, were also sacrificed to lethargy and the bad weather.
In other news, Mrs C has made an appointment to view a house next week. We’re still very much undecided about possibly moving, but until we see what is actually out there, we really can’t come to a conclusion over which way to go. The market around here seems to be moving quite quickly at the moment, though the property we are viewing has been for sale since last August. Just overpriced or something fundamentally wrong with it? We may have an answer - and an idea as to which way to go - in a few days time.

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