River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Happy Mail

My little granddaughter and her Mam have been busy writing me a letter and drawing me a lovely picture, I should have said thank you yesterday, sorry - Thank You xxxx
After last night’s torrential rain and wind, weather was slightly better today, still windy though and pretty scary so didn’t waste any time in the greenhouse - just grabbed some pots and some compost, the field beans were desperate to be planted, they’d been soaking for 4 days!
Gathered up leaves blown off the Cordyline and lifted up flower pots blown over, nothing too drastic.
MrD took the motorbike wheels in the van onto the mainland to have new tyres - he wasn’t going to chance getting soaked or blown over!
Heavy shower of hail this afternoon, lucky we weren’t too far from the house.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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