In-between the rain

This morning was a complete nightmare on the whole autism front. Thankfully the morning improved, as it was just the two wee wildlings.

After their lunch we made a quick dash to the park in our street. They got about 10 minutes before the horrendous rain and hail started again. It's practically been raining here for 4 day's straight.

I had a good catch up with my friend when school and nursery were finished. I'm glad it is the weekend. I don't have to stress about getting someone ready for school.
The evening's haven't been great either and I find that just around dinner time and after the meltdowns start. The joy's of holding it together all day at school and then letting it all go at home.n

Thankfully I had a much better sleep last night so it's always easier.

The Jedi also had his 14 month review with the new health visitor this morning. She was lovely. He's meeting all his milestones and she totally agrees that bringing him back in our room was the best solution. He is sleeping amazingly well.

I would say it's Friday which means wine night but most nights this week I've had it ;-) .

Have a lovely weekend. Xx

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