Bench with a view

Made red cabbage for ‘E’ on the 9th. He loves it, no problem keeps me busy. Lunch, then off to the goats (all hiding today).

Got caught in heavy rain and hail on return, so sat in a shelter for about 15mns. Mr B whinged, urging me to keep going. He did his macho thing and stood stubbornly in the rain.

The pleasant young Manchurian, sitting a safe 2 meters away, backed me up. Darling hubby backed off. She was accompanied by a 3 year old, turned out he had brothers aged 15, 17 & 18.

Finally bright sun and a bright rainbow (was to be my blip, but preferred this bench).

Made chickpea burgers with the remaining wild garlic, snd had another bowl of yesterday’s wild garlic soup.

Apologies, still not been getting round your blips much. Must try harder.

Falling asleep and it’s only 22:00. Nite nite x

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