Supermarket Flowers
Apart from the daffodils which are still holding their own on our hill, there are practically no blooming things on Wildwood Trail. Usually one neighbor's crabapple tree has burst into bloom by now, as have several magnificent crape myrtles. Our plum tree, put out a few pathetic looking flowers in about November but isn't looking very chipper now when it should be covered with blossoms. My theory is that the intense heat of the flames caused some things to think it was spring and put out a few flowers. Now that it is time for them to burst into full bloom they either think they already did it, they have succumbed to the fire without really recovering, or they were taken out by us as being too flammable.
We're quite pleased to see that the newly planted fig tree has leaf buds on every branch, but worried about one of the huge oaks that isn't showing any sign of new growth. Soon we'll have to get an arborist out to look at them and make recommendations. The grass is growing up around and under the fallen prayer flag tree. We won't be able to mow it and the whole thing will be a tinderbox, so I think we're going to have it cut up and taken away...
I found myself in the supermarket again today because the weather has turned warm and we have invited the neighbors to sit outside for a TGIF drink or two. The only one of the four of us who hasn't been fully vaccinated is John, who is also the oldest! He doesn't get his second shot (God willing!) for two weeks. We'll just put him in the corner with his scooter and shout at him. Tomorrow he gets to start putting weight on his leg. He's already planning how he's going to get up 30 steps to look at his tomatoes. I think he may find that a bit ambitious.
Thank goodness we didn't stick with the doctor who said he should stay off of it for ten weeks! One way or another, I feel neither of us would have survived that! Putting some weight on it actually helps new bone to grow but I don't think he'll be sprinting up the stairs any time soon.
I found him balanced teetering on the edge of the deck having gotten his scooter down two stairs from the porch. and lifting his good leg over the large flower pots placed there in lieu of a railing. Sometimes I feel more like his mother than his wife....
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