
Coffee (or wine) is not on the menu at the bird's buffet, but that didn't stop these two from having a little chinwag over their afternoon snack of sunflower seeds. It surprised me to see the cardinal sharing the "table" with the white-crowned sparrow, but there they perched. We had a couple of inches of snow overnight and the temperature was only 25 degrees or thereabouts, so apparently the seeds were a huge attraction. Do birds feel the cold? I know I was feeling it and soon headed indoors to warm up.

This picture was actually my second choice for today. My first was a picture of the tail end of a whitetail deer, but Bob chose this one, and here it is! Click the link if you want to see the rear of a deer. I thought it was a pretty good action shot.

Owl update: She is still sitting on the nest, but a picture wasn't possible today.

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