Skip's Blips

By Skip

Morning chinwag at the Bird Buffet

Despite the temperature being a frozen 9 degrees Fahrenheit this morning (Minus 2 windchill), Bob and I took a short walk in the park. After getting the new camera for my birthday, I've hardly had a chance to try it out on a photo walk. Our weather has been way too cold for long walks-day after day after day. Today we broke records for low temperatures. Our high was the lowest high we've ever recorded. I posted several pictures from the park here, but I kept coming back to this shot I captured out my kitchen window. The light wasn't great, and the picture isn't phenomenal, but somehow it charms me. So today's blip is the starlings having their morning chinwag. I'm sure they must have been talking about the weather.

Update on Friday's Faces: I was fortunate to arrive in the park this afternoon at the same time John's wife, Debra, arrived with Chester and Charlie for their afternoon walk. I was thankful for the opportunity for a short conversation and to let her know that John and his boys were the Friday Faces. Chester and Charlie were eager to get on with their walk. I was very happy to see them.

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