Another 6 miles

Another view from a walk. There was snow on the hills during the night. Just over 6 miles today - walked by the river to Tosson Mill where Katy and Colin joined us for a walk to Thropton (horrendous mud) then up Physic Lonnen (such horrendous mud we walked up the field instead) then down to the quarry by Gimmerknowe. We headed home along our road and they went back to the river.

Katy is in such a quandary - her daughter in NZ is divorcing her husband of 2 years and Katy wants to go to support her. But even if she gets a second vaccine she can’t work out a way to get her mother cared for. There are options but I think she can’t see the wood for the trees at the moment. Her son lives in Germany and his wedding in Romania was due to take place last summer. It must be so hard to be so far from her children.

The next book group 2 book is by Nancy Spain. She writes like an over-privileged exuberant teenager. I’m skimming it.

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