Gear is .....
..... Here!!
Well it had to be done , such an important engagement tomorrow?
Very changeable weather rain , hail & sun with wind thrown in.
Not much going on at G. G.Residence won't enlarge on that it's boring. One of these days I'll have a funny tale to tell, don"t think it'll be in the near future ,its just more of the same.
Had another delivery of flowers from my eldest granddaughter, so.kind of her and daughter C had some delivered yesterday ,all so beautiful. All ready for Sunday blip!
Watching Rugby this afternoon ,forgone conclusion that Wales would win against Italyl
At the moment it's England V France ?? What will happen at the moment it's a draw (. If you're intetsted.
As I was in the shower by 6.10am
I'm really very tired in fact keep falling asleep.
Hope you've all had an enjoyable Saturday and not overwhelmed by all your engagements , ( wow, that's a funny?)
Thoughtful ..... about all crimes and killing still being committed even at this time & plight we're all in.
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