
By ayearinthelife

Anyone for Tennis

This is my mum - Mrs Pat Cash - meeting her namesake - Australian tennis player Pat Cash - at Wimbledon in 2010 (if the date written on the back of the original photo is to be believed)
Before my dad died, he and mum were regular attendees at Wimbledon and they always went on a fairly top end package which, as well as the expected good seats for finals day, included a meet and greet with the likes of John McEnroe and Pat Cash. I believe the latter was always quite amused to meet a namesake and we have several photos of him signed “to Pat Cash from Pat Cash”!
Obviously not able to see mum today but I have spoken to her and she is quite well, though the lockdown continues to irritate her. Apparently, it’s “very inconvenient” that I’m not allowed to get in the car and drive 100 miles every time she wants something! Pointing out that the restrictions are in force to protect everyone, brings forth the sort of snort of derision that only an 87 year old who lived through a blitz can summon up!
In actual fact, because of the distances involved, it is very rarely in the last 30 years that I would have gone to see her on actual Mother’s Day. But we would probably have travelled down at some point either the week before or the week after, so it will be quite strange having to wait at least 4 weeks before we can get down this year.
Let’s hope everyone behaves between now and then so that the easing of restrictions on April 12th can go ahead as planned. But with schools only just having gone back, and the Easter break to contend with, I’m still not holding my breath...

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