
Wednesday, mid-week, how do I know?
I have a empty calendar.
Apart from Clare’s shifts there is little on it, we remain in Lockdown although if you look at the volume of traffic in and around Falmouth, the numbers on the beaches or walking and the numbers in and around the town you would be hard pushed to believe it.
So another photograph from the archives, this one is of my father and I, taken on Palace Pier, Brighton, in 1965. It was a year I remember well.

Twelve years old I was enjoying a visit from my Dad who used to travel down at least one Saturday a month to see me. Having been a naughty boy I was at Mike Oak Approved School and would stay there until late 1968.
An afternoon out with Dad, or Mum when she came down, were amongst the highlights of my life.
It wasn’t until later in life I appreciated the sacrifices they made to make those visits.

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