Grateful tenants

I walked by this monument to get the X-ray done of the ankle I broke a couple of years ago in Kashmir. I’m getting increasing pain - most likely arthritis but they wanted to check all the metal work was is place.

The monument was erected to the Duke by his ‘grateful tenants’ in 1816. I’m not sure why they were grateful. 1815 was the Battle of Waterloo but I don’t know if that’s relevant. It must have cost them a great deal.

We took the opportunity of being in Alnwick to do a food shop. Mr C went to Lidl and I had my first visit to a shop in a year to M&S food hall (or haul as I inadvertently wrote). . Needless to say I’ll not be getting the chance to go there again as I spend £23 and none of it was essential.

On the way home we stopped for a walk - we’d often seen cars parked at the start of an inviting-looking track. It soon petered out into boggy sheep tracks, hard to see in the straggly heather. We got a nice view over to Cheviot in the distance and a 10th century church in the valley below.

Only 3 miles walked today but I’m sure I improved my heather lowp.

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