Bendy Baby II

3years 132days

A lovely Mummy and Katie day today. Ballet first. She did really well and they have started work on their big bi-annual production. This time they are doing a specially adapted for dance version of Mary Poppins. Katie's class have so far started their dance for the bit with the horses on the merry-go-round and they sing the "horsey horsey" song. Too cute.

After ballet we went into town and got a picnic lunch, then went to the babyccino. But Katie said "I'm not a baby anymore, I want a big girls ccino". She's been a bit of a milk monster so I let her get a double babyccino in a "big girls" cup. She was adorably proud of herself.

We went home to have a play and do a few bits, before some friends popped for a bit. Katie and I then packed ourselves up and headed to Victoria's for the night as Mummy and Victoria were going for a work (and kinda play!) day at a trade show. As soon as we arrived at their house, Katie went a little hyper for a couple of hours. Unsurprisingly. Before she crashed in a cute little ball with all the soft friends she'd taken with her.

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