The morning after

4years 132

We arranged last night to all meet again for a walk on the beach. Katie woke at 5am wanting that to happen immediately. It took 45 minutes, but I did manage to convince her to go back to sleep for a wee while. Again, the first thing she asked when she woke was if it was time to go find Aunty Kay and everyone. Shortly before 10, we headed to my Aunt's house. People weren't yet ready to face the bracing sea air, so coffee was had. Katie then led proceedings to go for a walk to the beach. A collection of my cousins, plus my parents, later and we headed to the sea.

Katie and Maddie had a marvellous time playing mudpies on the wet sand. James and Maddie conducted science experiments with large rocks and the sea. The rest of us strolled, joined in drawing on the sand, enjoyed the sea air. Before a very dirty Katie chased Aunty Kay up the hill back to my aunt's. Her bottom lip did some serious quivering when it was time to say goodbye. She held it together til we left their garden, at which point she melted on my shoulder.

Granny, Grandad, Katie and I headed off for a very lovely carvery meal, complete with children's play area for Katie to charge round while we waited for food and dessert. She got a large pudding with her meal, which "unfortunately" she only wanted the ice cream from. But Grandad and I were willing to step in and help her with the rest.

Last of all, we headed to Driffield for a run around in a park that we used to enjoy as children. It has been refurbished in parts, but the swings and slide were the same one. She rediscovered that she can do firemen's poles, had a little go at climbing the spiders web, dried the slide with her bottom and went on some big, slightly bizaare, roundabout-esque rides with mummy and grandad.

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