Two in One Day!

Just as I stepped out to get the paper this morning, it began to rain, such a light mist that I had to stretch my arms up to the sky to make sure I was feeling something. And then, turn around: a rainbow! By the time I went in for the camera it was almost gone, but look how the buildings glow! 

What else the discerning eye can see: our bed of arugula, tall and going to seed; the blossoming pluot tree, white against the fence--fingers crossed that at least half those flowers become fruit; the ever-reaching pruned branches of the fig tree, with a few popping green leaves. That’s just on this side of the fence. Beyond the lattice there is the multi-colored chicken coop next door; their blossoming plum tree; and a trellis full of freshly sprung wisteria, which I confess not to have noticed til I began to write this. The day turned nasty soon after this lovely begining, cold and very windy, dark and blustery. 

What you can’t see in the photo is our ongoing sadness and confusion about our ailing cat. We did find a very compassionate vet who makes house calls and is in the business of end-of-life care for pets. If we weren’t going through this I’d be tempted to call it a silly career, dismiss it as a first-world job description, but the truth is it was very comforting to talk to her, to realize we had a little time to ease into the decision to end a life. There is no doubt that he is declining more every day, but he still gets pleasure from sitting with us and being loved. Our task is to watch for the moment when that changes.

It begins to rain again as I sit here writing. Look out the window! See the Extra. Two rainbows in one day!!

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