
By Appreciation

Girls on Tour Part 2

I was first out today. What a glorious day, the sun beating down on my back, no biting wind, so instantly reviving.

We sit in the car in order of age from the driver, then me, then the two 'wains' in the back. The children were rebelling at the thought of a walk through woodlands to enjoy the snowdrops at Cambo House. Even the promise of cake didn't make them behave. They were rescued from a stern talking to by the 'flock' of pigs (as they were referred to). Beautiful Tamworth pigs and a litter of little piglets. Who knew you could charge £22 for an individual snowdrop in a pot? I am thinking of digging up the ones in the garden as they could help pay for a new camera!

An evening at home, relaxing. Everyone feeling mellow.

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