Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Lovely to see...

...a pair of black swans nest building in Dawlish this afternoon.
Last November 3 adults and 5 cygnets  died from bird flu which devastated the local population so it was especially heart warming to see this pair preparing for a new brood.

Now my foot is so much better, I feel able to start tackling the routes I was walking regularly a year ago. So this morning, Jorgie and I did a hilly circuit, out of the village and up over the golf course and back. 6.5 miles of cardio !
We didn't rush as I was keen to spot any wildlife in the fields.
I saw a hare, from a great distance, in the same field as last year.

As luck would have it, a little further along the lane, the farmer of the hare field was moving his sheep and I was able to have a quick word with him.
He is more than happy for me to explore across his extensive pastures and even told me about some very special birds which I am now determined to capture this season. 

I skipped the rest of the way home :-D)

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