This Was The Best Photo....

... I got today.  I wanted her to show of the bunny ears she made at craft.  The rest of the photos I took, she behaved like an absolute loon, much to her amusement.

Today has been very wet, and cool.  So apart from going to the shopping centre for craft, we've been inside.

We've done a lot of eating!!

Funny moment:

Mia keeps saying 'hi-pad' instead of i-pad.  So, my husband spent a bit of time this afternoon, teaching her to say it properly.  It went a bit like this.

'Do you have one of these at home Mia', showing her the i-pad.

'Yes, it's a hi-pad.'

'No, say i-pad.'


'What's this? (pointing to his eye)

'An eye'

'That's right, so say, i-pad.'


'That's right, well done.  So, what do you have at home.'

'A TV.'

We, absolutely fell about laughing.

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