Thursday's painting...


Digital painting in Procreate for today.
This lighthouse is in my garden. It actually has a light (solar powered), and guards my garden at night with its intermittent searching light beams...
My garden changes at night...

My done list (in emails, postcards, and messages) for this morning is quite long, it kept getting longer...but hopefully it really is done because I am having a garden day today. It is grey and cold, and I would really like that sun to come out...

One annoying thing about messages and photos in different chat apps, is that my friend sent two photos of her mum in hospital, and I didn't reply for another hour because I was busy doing something else, and I wanted to think about the most positive response I could give. Then, when I did get back to it an hour later, the two photos had self-destructed, presumably after being viewed. I hadn't looked at them properly and I wanted to respond to them. Next time I will take a screenshot....
Fortunately though, I do have a pretty near photographic memory still (the rest of me may be falling apart...), and I can wander round the hospital bed and room in my mind, and 'hold' her hand...

Yesterday I made an exceptionally cheeky offer for 150 postcards on eBay. It was never going to be accepted...but a few hours later, I had an email to say my offer had been accepted...

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