One click at a time

By KeithKnight

95 Years

A couple of weeks ago the long term weather forecast was for several weeks of dry weather, so I thought it a good time to start rubbing down the front door and the window to its side in preparation for applying new coats of preservative.

The weather didn't measure up, and after a week it started getting very wet. I have one last piece to do, which is a shaped piece above the frame, and I assume that it is original from when the house was built in 1926. Consequently, there's a few coats of paint to be removed so that I can get back to bare wood and stain it to as close a colour as the rest of the frame that I can get.

Today, I applied the first of what will probably be several paint stripper applications to remove many coats of paint. So far I have seen 3 different colours of paint being revealed. There are probably more to come.

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