
By Enzotraveldog

Still Life: day 3.

Silverback file:

The rain has set in on the Northern Rivers area of NSW. We’ve had inches of rain and it’s showing no signs of letting up. We’ve been battened down in our motorhome Ziggy entertaining ourselves.

In two years of travelling around Australia this is the first time we’ve had to change our plans because of rain. We’ve cancelled plans because of heatwaves, and coronavirus in the past, so now we’ve seen fire, pestilence and tempest!

We’re at a small coastal village with one road in or out. The road has been closed due to flooding today. So we’re going nowhere until the rain stops!

Poor old Enzo’s been sleeping in his bed most of the time, getting up occasionally to stare wistfully out of the window. Going out for ablutions has become a major nightmare for him involving getting soaking wet (extra). He likes the rub down with the towel though!

Appropriately a still life study for today. I think I’ll call it ‘scones and tea’.

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