
Harp had fun at the park while the Jedi slept in the buggy.
She is starting to help make her own lunch. Great to teach life skills. Even if she did cake her sandwich in chocolate.

We got our garden fence fixed today, thank goodness. It needed a few extra post's put in . He did a great job.

The Wildlings have all had a good day and have been outside in our street and in the garden since coming back from school and nursery. I'm glad it's now the weekend as there won't be any pressure on Xander to be dressed by a certain time .

The Jedi woke me at half 4 this morning and I couldn't get back over. ( He did ). So I just got up and sketched. I had quite a bit of the housework done by 9. Beds stripped, playroom tidied and moved around, downstairs bathroom cleaned, all the Wildlings fed and dressed and my second load of laundry on. So this afternoon I managed to get some time to paint.

Have a lovely weekend. X

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