Louie and Pippa.

Met up with these two today as Mum and Dad want me to photograph them next week. Eeek! I wanted to meet them to see what I'd be up against.  An 8 month old puppy, and an 11 1/2 year old. I think I'm going to have problems getting those dark eyes to be visible. Any tips? Lets hope for good light.

A day spent mainly on the phone. Every time I put my coat and boots on to go up to the garden centre for fruit and veg the phone rang. Also had a long chat at the garden gate with one of 'The Grenville Grannies'. One of my friends since the kids were in play school, now they are in their 40's or approaching their 40's this year. Where does the time go?

Curry tonight, a joint effort, J made the kofta, I made a veg dish, cooked the rice and fried the popadoms, so all we need to do now is heat up!

Have a good weekend.

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