lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Fox in the flashlight

I spent around 2 hours today trying to take photos of birds and in the end the most interesting photo I came out with was taken right outside my house as I came home. I was walking up the street when I saw a fox. We looked at each other for a while, then I got my camera out and the fox decided to go into a front garden to avoid me. Silly thing only chose my front garden. I followed it in and dazzled it with the flash - not intentionally, but it was the only way to get a photo in the darkness. It just stood there for a while staring at me, probably dazed, then ambled off down the side of the house into the garden.

They are very bold, urban foxes. Yesterday one was wandering around the back garden marking its territory. It saw me by the window watching it, stopped and met my gaze for a while and then carried on calmly with what it was doing. I do kind of like seeing them around. When it snowed I looked out of my window at about 11pm to see a fox sleeping in a snow drift in the middle of the road.

I took an extra long lunch break today to try to find some interesting birds to photograph. Didn't have much success. I stumbled across two kingfishers but both reacted faster than I did. The second one was disturbed by somebody else and flew down the river, coming to rest on a branch right in front of me, but then noticed me and flew off again. So frustrating - it seems I need to improve my reaction times.

I'm not feeling in tip top condition. The office was really hot and stuffy today (sometimes it is freezing) and I have a headache. I think it's also likely to be related to the filling on Saturday, it feels like it originates in my teeth.

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