lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

How I wish I'd spent my day

Ok so not sat on a wheelie bin. I wouldn't fit so comfortably, but being sat in the sunshine would have been lovely. I saw this cat while I was on my way to work this morning. It's quite an affectionate cat and very pretty but today it was happy sat on its bin enjoying the sunshine. Kind of reminds me of the incident with the cat bin lady a few years back except that I didn't go near the cat or the bin and would never even pick up a stranger's cat, let alone put it in a bin! Very odd case that. (link for non-British people).

I went out at lunch time but the improved weather means more people around and they scare away the interesting birds. Once again just a fleeting glimpse of a kingfisher and then it was gone.

I spent a lot of today clock watching. The computer system was running even slower than usual so I spent quite a bit of time staring at a blank screen waiting for it to come back to life.

My PC reckons it's going to rain for the next three days which is disappointing. I have Friday off work and was hoping for some decent weather, but sleep will be just as welcome and I'm not feeling in tip top condition this week.

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