
By ayearinthelife


A day of physical activity today. Started off with a solo 5K run, immediately followed by a 3K walk with Mrs C. We then needed a few bits from M&S and decided we had done enough exercise to have earned a treat (I’m using the royal “we” here!)
But what to get? Nothing on the shelves with a yellow sticker on - which is the default choice - so it came down to cookies or cakes. The trouble was, a big gooey cream cake seemed a bit excessive and the cookies were only available in bags of 5 - again, more than was necessary.
And then I spotted the answer! You can now buy a bag of 8 frozen chocolate chip cookies. Only took 20 minutes to cook and my insider sources said they were exactly the same cookies that you could buy from the in-store bakery. The main advantage was that we didn’t have to cook them all at once, so the bag should last a month if we ration ourselves to one a week each.
They were certainly easy to cook, and looked just like the in-store ones when they came out of the oven. To make trebly sure I had done enough exercise to justify a treat, I threw some weights around for 45 minutes while the cookies cooled.
And I am pleased to report that they tasted as good as they looked! The biggest problem now is going to be not sticking another two in the oven tomorrow. Must...resist...the...urge.......

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